Madonna once described Manolo Blahnik shoes as “better than sex” and added that “…moreover, his shoes last longer.”

From that starting point, we’re moving to the presentation of the book “Fleeting Gestures and Obsessions”, written by the superfamous and inspirational Manolo Blahnik, the Spanish fashion designer who allows women to dream since over 40 years.
His book is a like an autobiography, told as little sketches through the bonds he had with the most important and meaningful people of his life (starting from Anna Piaggi, then Luchino Visconti, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa and so on…) who allowed him to become the artist we know today.

Let’s start with one of the most fundamental questions; why shoes? Actually, Manolo never really chose to do that. In fact, he admitted that when he was young he wanted to become a bricklayer or a sculptor. He wanted to work with his own hands. But life had had other plans for him. And we all say “thanks” to his life coincidences!
In New York he learned all the shoemaker’s secrets. He loved his profession. His love goes also to the revolution of the prêt a porter, the 60s fashion and the new philosophy regarding clothes during that time. He affirms that in that period fashion was more spontaneous than ever, it was pure.

According to him, a shoe is an object with a typical shape and a fixed sculpture. However, the real challenge is converting every pair of shoes in an outstanding model, in a single piece. Every shoe he made had a certain inspiration behind it; specifically envisioned for the woman who would ultimately wear it.

Mister Blahnik hates a plateau. He usually creates shoes with 7.5 – 8 centimeter heel because, from his point of view, this is the perfect height for a classy, graceful and beautiful woman.

Reading Manolo’s book, leafing through his pages, you can clearly see his true love and his authentic passion for beauty. And a result, you fall in love as well.
Ludovica Casilli