As my last week in Canada I wanted to take this moment to celebrate some truly inspiring Canadian women who have taken the risk of starting their own fashion small businesses in the country. Now I am going to be very honest with you (especially all you readers who do not live in Canada), our country is very very big and there is no way for me to be able to know, have met or justly recognize all the Canadian women making their mark in the small business fashion sector. However it has been my privilege to see the growth of the following women and see their risks pay off as they began their journeys into the business world.
I don’t know all these people personally, however I feel that their journey into becoming the successes they are today have had a personal impact on my own journey and my own life. I hope that through this small synopsis of their stories, all of you reading can begin to understand the true business that is behind all the beauty we love to enjoy and consume in the fashion industry. As graduate from a business program I know the hard work that is put into starting your own company and the dedication one must have in order to see the company grow to succeed.

I’m sure I am not the only one reading this right now who hasn’t looked through their Instagram feed and thought, “wow it looks so easy, take a picture or two and post them and make money”, but it’s just not that simple. These women have taught me that although it’s not easy, the outcome of hard work and dedication outweigh the risks. Amanda Reid a local blogger from my hometown of Windsor, Ontario started her blog, Rose City Style Guide in 2014 and says on her site that “My biggest regret was that I mulled over the thought of creating a space to chat about all things style related for years!”.
I’m sure many people feel that the risk is big, especially when you dedicate yourself to it in order to make it work successfully. However we must remember that in the business world, and especially in the fashion world, risks are necessary and usually they pay off (even in the case of wearing socks with heels…yes!).
With everyone talking about Beyoncé and #Lemonade and all around female power, I just wanted to remind us all that we can all be that woman. If you want it, you can totally make it happen! There is no need to look at people on your Snapchat or Instagram feed and think that they were just lucky. I learned that I can look just in my hometown, as well as in my network across the country, and see the wonderful potential that there is for the fashion industry and learn from the fierce women making it happen!

Now this post is in no way sponsored by any of these ladies or their companies. However, I just wanted to share this (and their work) with you all because they truly inspired me throughout my time here at home in Canada as well as through my journey in creating my own blog and finding my own voice in fashion – which I TOTALLY love sharing with all of you!
Which small businesses in fashion have inspired you? I would love to hear more about them – be sure to comment below to share the love for your own local or international risk takers!
Rose City Style Guide: A Windsor, Ontario blogger focused on Canadian life & style. She not only inspired me to take the leap and pursue my blog but her positive, cheerful and colourful feed always brightens up my daily Instagram!
Lively Creative Co: A Windsor, Ontario blog and portrait photographer. Rachel and I went to high school together (way back when) and seeing her showcase her talent, and totally succeed, has been a joy! We worked together for my 25th birthday shoot and it was an amazing experience!
Mermaid Wraps: A Windsor, Ontario wrap bracelet company. Started only a few months ago this company is in the initial stages, however with custom orders coming in already there is a clear path for success. Melaina makes all the bracelets by hand and works to give each of them a personal touch.
Iweartheheadress: A Vancouver, Canada turban and wrap company. Started in 2013 this company has grown to be carried in select stores in the USA and in Canada. I love the handmade product and frequently rock the head wraps, but it’s the dedication to the craft and the Made in Canada factor that has kept me a loyal customer.
Dear Emilie G: A Ottawa, Canada blogger (& close fashionista friend of mine) who just recently decided to take the leap and begin her own blog. She embodies the essence of what every start up business must have to success – drive, commitment and joy!
Erica on Fashion: Although a Ottawa native, Erica Wark has gone on from a local small business fashion blogger to a household Canadian name for all things fashion and style. She is the style expert on CTV’s daytime talk show The Social (among others) and seems to be just an all-around genuine person who took the risk and succeeded!
Stephanie Kathleen: A Windsor, Ontario cosmetics blogger. It can’t be easy having to make YouTube videos for the world to see, but this risk paid off for Stephanie and now she is doing personal cosmetic appointments for bloggers and locals alike. She was so professional and perfectly on-point when she did my makeup for my 25th birthday shoot.
by Amanda Vojvodin